communication Courses

We found 3 courses available for you

Informática Básica ao Avançado

10 Lessons
160 hours

O curso tem duração total de 160 horas, divididas em …

What you'll learn
Ao final do curso, os participantes receberão um certificado de conclusão, atestando suas habilidades em informática básica e avançada.

The Business Intelligence Analyst Course 2020

5 Lessons
22.5 hours
Todos os níveis

Our program is different than the rest of the materials …

What you'll learn
Understand the fundamentals of database theory
Use SQL to create, design, and manipulate SQL databases
Extract data from a database writing your own queries
Create powerful professional visualizations in Tableau
Combine SQL and Tableau to visualize data from the source
Solve real-world business analysis tasks in SQL and Tableau

Business Analysis Fundamentals

5 Lessons
22.5 hours
Todos os níveis

 Unlike other courses, Communication Skills Machine is the complte course …

What you'll learn
Everthing you need to know to develop your communication skills
Become more persuasive & influential in business and life
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