
We found 10 courses available for you

Gestão em Segurança Pública e Privada – Superior Sequencial

95 Lessons
840 hours

O curso de Gestão em Segurança Pública e Privada é …

What you'll learn
Este curso é destinado a todos que pretendam atuar na área de Segurança Pública e Privada, com formação em nível superior de forma rápida, prática e objetiva, sem perder em qualificação profissional. Também se destina a profissionais que desejam habilitar-se a prestar concursos públicos em nível superior para as carreiras voltadas a segurança.
Ganhe grátis na compra desse curso:
▫️Agente de portaria
▫️Fiscal de loja
▫️Segurança Patrimonial
▫️Supervisor de Segurança privada

Supervisor de Segurança Privada

31 Lessons
80 hours

Ao finalizar o curso, os alunos receberão um certificado de …

What you'll learn
Formar supervisores competentes: Desenvolver habilidades para a gestão eficaz de equipes de segurança, planejamento de segurança e resposta a emergências.
Capacitar para a prevenção de riscos: Ensinar técnicas de vigilância, prevenção de perdas e combate a incêndios.
Incentivar a atualização constante: Promover a adaptação às novas tecnologias e inovações na área de segurança.

Adobe Lightroom For Beginners : Complete Photo/Image Editing

6 Lessons
5.3 hours

Adobe Lightroom is designed for photographers. It provides you the …

What you'll learn
Master him/herself in Adobe Lightroom
Master in Photo Editing
Feel confident to add adobe lightroom in Resume

Learn Music Production Essentials

8.7 hours

This course is aimed at beginner to intermediate music makes …

What you'll learn
At the end of this course, you’ll be able to find your way around your DAW
Know how to record your audio and MIDI tracks.
Plus, you'll know how to add and edit effects
Improve your mix and mastering of your songs.

Complete Guide To Instagram Growth

5.9 hours

This Instagram course is designed for anyone who want to …

What you'll learn
Have valuable skills that will help you effectively build a strong community of Instagram followers
Convert them to paying customers, and finally sell them your products and services.
You'll also receive practice activities, live demonstrations, and helpful resources
Gathering a strong relevant following, to increasing the profit of your business.

Dog Care Owner Training For A Happy, Healthy Dog

3.3 hours
Todos os níveis

This course was specifically created for dog owners or dog …

What you'll learn
Learn to trim black or white nails on puppies and dogs
Have the essentials on hand if you need to bathe your dog at home
Learn what your dog's ears are telling you and how to clean their ears at home

Professional Everyday & Bridal Makeup

2 hours
Todos os níveis

Are you interested in improving your makeup application skills, or …

What you'll learn
Improving your makeup application skills
Pursuing a career as a professional Makeup Artist

Cryptocurrency Investment Fundamentals

4 Lessons
15.3 hours
Todos os níveis

Do you want to learn more about Cryptocurrency Investment? Are …

What you'll learn
Learn how to buy, sell, and store cryptocurrencies including using digital wallets
Learn about how to identify cryptocurrencies to invest in and how to employ proper investment strategies
Learn some excellent resources for increasing your knowledge on investment fundamentals, and where to find cryptocurrency communities
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