
We found 4 courses available for you

Electronics – for Complete Beginners

9.9 hours

Electronics has become important to many fields; communications, automotive, security, …

What you'll learn
Your understanding will be complete
Comparable to what you might achieve in a more formal learning environment.
You will be prepared to seize opportunities that come your way in the future
Ready to go on to further
More narrowly-focused training in whatever related specialty you choose.

Introduction to Probability and Statistics

8.5 hours

This course will begin with an overview of data types …

What you'll learn
Learn the probability and basic techniques of data analysis and inference.
Gain a deeper understanding of the underlying concepts.

Beginner Nikon Digital SLR (DSLR) Photography

1 Lesson

You’ll learn how all those buttons and dials work on …

What you'll learn
You will learn how to adjust your shutter speed and why you would choose one shutter speed over another.
You will learn to recognize the difference between depth-of-field blur and motion blur.

Financial Planning & Analysis: Company’s Budget

4 Lessons
31.3 hours

Financial Planning & Analysis: Building a Company’s Budget from Scratch …

What you'll learn
Learn how to analyze the financial statements using different metrics
Dissect a company's health and profitability.
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