
We found 12 courses available for you

Sequencial em Gestão da auditoria em Parceria com Faculdade nota 4 no MEC

840 hours
Todos os níveis

O curso Superior Sequencial em Gestão da Auditoria é ideal …

What you'll learn
Desenvolvimento de Competências Técnicas: Proporcionar aos alunos uma compreensão detalhada dos princípios e práticas de auditoria, incluindo normas e regulamentos nacionais e internacionais.
Capacitação Gerencial: Preparar os alunos para assumirem posições de liderança em departamentos de auditoria, ensinando-os a gerir equipes e projetos de auditoria com eficiência.
Melhoria de Processos: Ensinar técnicas de avaliação e melhoria contínua de processos internos, garantindo a conformidade e a eficácia operacional.
Análise de Riscos: Capacitar os alunos para identificar, avaliar e mitigar riscos, protegendo os ativos e a reputação da organização.
Tomada de Decisão: Desenvolver habilidades analíticas e críticas que suportem a tomada de decisões estratégicas com base em dados e relatórios de auditoria.

Sequencial em Gestão de Teologia

10 Lessons
840 hours
Todos os níveis

O curso tem duração de 3 meses, com aulas …

What you'll learn
Capacitar os alunos para administrar organizações religiosas de maneira eficiente e ética.
Proporcionar uma compreensão profunda das questões teológicas e sua aplicação na gestão.
Desenvolver habilidades de liderança e gestão de equipes em contextos religiosos.
Preparar os alunos para enfrentar desafios contemporâneos na administração de instituições religiosas.

Ensino de Jovens e Adultos (EJA): em parceria com Escola Técnica em CEE/MEC

280 hours

Nosso EJA em parceria do Instituto com a Escola Técnica …

Successful Negotiation: Master Your Negotiating Skills

2.3 hours
Todos os níveis

Negotiation is a skill well worth mastering – by putting …

What you'll learn
Negotiate effectively and fairly to make 1000s more than they would otherwise
Be confident in starting and finishing a negotiation
Use smart tactics to increase their bargaining power
Develop mental and emotional strength to keep pushing until they get a great price
Use negotiating skills in both personal and professional situations
Bargain over everything from huge corporate deals, to flea market haggles
Combat common techniques to ensure their profit isn't diminished without them noticing

Adobe Lightroom For Beginners : Complete Photo/Image Editing

6 Lessons
5.3 hours

Adobe Lightroom is designed for photographers. It provides you the …

What you'll learn
Master him/herself in Adobe Lightroom
Master in Photo Editing
Feel confident to add adobe lightroom in Resume

Photography Masterclass: A Complete Guide to Photography

24.2 hours

This online photography course will teach you how to take …

What you'll learn
Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of camera you use, this in-depth course is designed to provide you with everything you need to take your photography skills to the next level.
Whether you prefer taking photos of nature, animals, or people, a great photographer knows how to compose a shot, light it, and edit it. By honing these skills, you can sell your photos so you can turn your passion into a career. This course shows you how.
Unlike other photography classes that are more limited in scope, this complete course teaches you how to take amazing photos and how to make money by selling them.

Listening Skills – The Ultimate Soft Skills

29 hours
Todos os níveis

Listening Skills are the quiet soft skills sauce that can …

What you'll learn
Create better connections with everyone in the workplace
Become a better communicator
Improve all work relationships

Learn Music Production Essentials

8.7 hours

This course is aimed at beginner to intermediate music makes …

What you'll learn
At the end of this course, you’ll be able to find your way around your DAW
Know how to record your audio and MIDI tracks.
Plus, you'll know how to add and edit effects
Improve your mix and mastering of your songs.
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